I just ***********. This time I felt something, and I felt like a kid. |B I did feel too old for some strange reason, though. I felt like a boy with a mom born like who knows but looks like 1960 or maybe like 1945 style. You know maybe part German part Anglo.. The effects died away. I dunno, I mean I just got up and did it. I wonder if I can play piano. I've done this since before I started, but luckily I've also done gymnastics as a kid, but we didn't do bar, here. They took it away where they have adult gym on Saturdays. So, this was rather long and steady. Do you know of kids with a dad born like in 1970? I saw this rebellious girl with straight like reddish blonde hair maybe and bangs outside with like a sandbox, and then she was gone. I wonder if she has blood from New Jersey. Maybe not indian maybe not Jewish. I go around and don't feel I see real people. The kids are dirty and underfed, you know, like strangly, like people used to have strangly hair. I'm dead serious, there are no real people in this town. There never were, in a way, but I mean they seemed somewhat real.
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